The Clara James Approach

The short course that helps you support your child with learning their times tables: without the tears!

If you've been trying to support your child in learning their times tables and you are looking for a new approach, this might just be the course for you!

Are you struggling to teach your child their times tables?

Are you looking for ways to support your child with learning their times tables? Until this point it has been a constant battle and sense of frustration. They need to know them, but previous methods haven't worked and now it's time to try something new.

Or maybe, you just enjoy spending time with your child and this is something you can do together to create quality time, memories, and a knowledge and confidence of the times tables.

The aim of this course:

To help you to support your child in learning their times tables through a fun and interactive approach

In each section of the course I have tried to break down that particular times table in to a simple approach: for example I given a range of different methods of how to attack the 9x table, and suggested you break the 6x table into 1x and 5x and add the answers together as this is much more manageable.

I have also suggested that they are not done in a chronological order as this often means you are attempting the harder ones first,

To make learning them fun and engaging

Sitting down to do a worksheet doesn't inspire that much fun and motivation in most people.

But the offer of a game and some quality time together is much more inspiring.

The more we take part the more practice we get. With practice comes ability and with ability comes confidence. It becomes a positive spiral of success1

To build confidence in your child's knowledge and understanding

Something I learned a long time ago when I was studying different learning techniques was that if we just use one resource to help our children to learn something they only have one place in their brain where they can recall the information.

However, by using multiple resources we can offer them multiple neuropathways making it easier to recall the information when needed

Can I suggest that you don't start with 2x, then 3x, then 4 and work in chronological order as seems to be the fashion in many schools as you're going encounter some of the much harder ones before you reach the easy ones! Start with the 2's, 5's, 10's and 11's. These have lots of patterns that make them easy to learn. Any multiple of 10 (answer for the 10x table) has an answer which ends in a 0. Any multiple of 5 will answer in 5 or 0. Once your child is confident with these 3 times tables, move onto the 9 times table. This has several rules which again make it any easier to get to grips with.

A game we often use in our lessons are Jenga.

On a Jenga tower I have written a number from 1 to 12 on each brick. I have repeated this as many times as is necessary so that every brick has a number on it.

Then as you play the game you remove a brick from the tower. If, for instance, you are focusing on practising the 7x table, you would multiply the number on the brick by 7.

It is loads of fun.

I would also suggest that between you, you create a poster for each times table that you keep to hand initially to give your child confidence as they first start to learn a new times table.

But like when they first started to learn to walk, as they gain confidence they will no longer need the support and be able to answer the question without it.

Let me tell you more:

Teach your child their times tables: the fun way

This course is aimed at supporting those who are working with primary school aged children in learning their times tables

By the end of the course you will know:

  • how to support your child with their learning,

  • you will have access to over 20+ fun resources to support you in helping your child

  • Maybe most importantly you will have enjoyed spending time together in a way that is fun and interactive

(If you are working with an older child these methods still work but the downloads are aimed at younger children. If, after you have signed up for the course, you would prefer plain ones, let me know and I will send them over to you)

Just £9.97

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© Clara James Tutoring 2024